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Sulcorebutia steinbachii cv. Bicolor hort.


= Rebutia steinbachii cv. bicolor

Accepted Scientific Name: Rebutia steinbachii Werderm.
Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 268. 1931


Accepted name in llifle Database:
Rebutia steinbachii Werderm.
Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 268. 1931
Synonymy: 123 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Rebutia steinbachii subs. kruegerae (Cárdenas) D.R.Hunt
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 3: 6, as 'kruegeri'. 1997
Synonymy: 7 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Rebutia steinbachii subs. tiraquensis (Cárdenas) D.R.Hunt
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 3: 6. 1997
Synonymy: 9 Cultivars (2):

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