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Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque
Collector: Heinz Swoboda, Siles, (Road Totora-Omereque km 23, above pump station, 2800 m) Cochabamba, Bolivia

= Sulcorebutia heinzii
Acta Mus. Richnov., Sect. Nat. 10(2): 155 (-156; fig. 16). 2003

Accepted Scientific Name: Rebutia steinbachii
Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 268. 1931

Sulcorebutia heinzii (Sulcorebutia sp. HS 151)
Sulcorebutia heinzii (Sulcorebutia sp. HS 151)
It has very dark blue body, pectinated spines and shining deep magenta flowers.


See all synonyms of Rebutia steinbachii
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Rebutia steinbachii Werderm.
Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 268. 1931
Synonymy: 123 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Rebutia steinbachii subs. kruegerae (Cárdenas) D.R.Hunt
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 3: 6, as 'kruegeri'. 1997
Synonymy: 7 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Rebutia steinbachii subs. tiraquensis (Cárdenas) D.R.Hunt
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 3: 6. 1997
Synonymy: 9 Cultivars (2):

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Rebutia steinbachii group

  • Rebutia glomerispina Cárdenas: (Sulcorebutia)
  • Rebutia polymorpha Cárdenas: (Sulcorebutia) It has been named polymorpha (which means "many forms") for the variability of the plant in habitat. It has white, yellow, brown or almost black spines that are frequently absent on new areoles at plant apex. Distribution: Cochabamba.
  • Rebutia steinbachii Werderm.: (Sulcorebutia) It is a very variable clumping species (rarely solitary). Plants are often dimorphic: short spined juvenile forms transform at maturity to strongly spined forms. Some of these juvenile forms, however, may persist without transformation to the mature form.
  • Rebutia steinbachii f. cristata hort.: crested form. There are several crested clones often very different one to each other.
  • Rebutia steinbachii subv. aguilari Gertel: (Sulcorebutia) Plants with attractive mahogany red spines, dark purple budies and rings of light purple flowers in spring.
  • Rebutia steinbachii subs. tiraquensis (Cárdenas) D.R.Hunt: (Sulcorebutia) The stems are almost completely concealed by fine variously coloured spines. Distribution: North and east of Cochabamba.
  • Rebutia steinbachii subs. verticillacantha (F.Ritter) Donald ex D.R.Hunt: (Sulcorebutia) has 13-21 spiraling ribs, no central spines, and 12-14 pectinate radials. Distribution: Arque, Cochabamba.
  • Rebutia taratensis Cárdenas: (Sulcorebutia) Tiny plant, clustering from carrot-like tap-roots readily forming small clumps of many heads. Stems dark green to purplish. Flowers magenta-red.
  • Sulcorebutia augustinii Hentzschel: has mini stems almost hidden under the dense covering of tiny amber and pectinate spines. Rings of light purple flowers brighten up the plant in spring. Distribution: Pasorapa (Villa Redención Pampa Zudañez) Cochabamba.
  • Sulcorebutia augustinii f. cristata hort.: Beautiful crested form with nice amber-honey pectinated spines, very attractive even without flowers.
  • Sulcorebutia clizensis Rausch: has dark green bodies, protruding brown spines and reddish flowers, barely distinguishable from Sulcorebutia cochabambina Distribution: Cliza (Cochabamba, 34km SE Cochabamba)
  • Sulcorebutia cochabambina Rausch: has pinkish to dark magenta flowers (occasionally with yellow throat) and clustering dull green bodies. Distribution: Arani, Cochabamba.
  • Sulcorebutia heinzii (Sulcorebutia sp. HS 151)Sulcorebutia heinzii Halda, Heřtus & Horáček: has very dark mauve-blue body, pectinated spines and shining deep magenta flowers, in age forms clusters or cushions. Distribution: Siles, (Road Totora-Omereque) Cochabamba.
  • Sulcorebutia krahnii Rausch: has bright yellow flowers. Spination variable in colour and thickness usually yellow and brown. Distribution: Cerro Tukiphalla (North-West of Comarapa), Santa Cruz, Bolivia
  • Sulcorebutia mizquensis Rausch: has dark green stems, white or brownish pectinated spines, pointing diagonally and downward. Flowers pink-violet or magenta. Distribution: near Mizque, Cochabamba.
  • Sulcorebutia pampagrandensis Rausch: has grey-green body, long narrow yellowish areoles and mostly yellowish pectinate spines. The blooms are mauve. Distribution: Cochabamba, (Epizana, Mizque, Aiquile, South of Totora)
  • Sulcorebutia steinbachii f. bicolorispina Gertel: Silver and black spines, hence the name. Purple flowers.
  • Sulcorebutia steinbachii var. horrida Rausch: has strong dark brown protruding spines and tanned green or bluish-black bodies. Readily forms clusters or cushions up to 30 cm (or more) in diameter. Distribution: Vacas, Cochabamba.
  • Sulcorebutia steinbachii subs. markusii (Rausch) Gertel & Vries
  • Sulcorebutia taratensis var. minima Rausch: has minuscule bodies which cluster like a mad, readily forming crowded mounds or cushions with hundred of heads. The flowers are bright purple. Anzaldo to Sacabamba, Cochabamba, Bolivia.

811 cactus-art Cactus Art
Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Cactus Art
807 andrea Andrea B.
Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Andrea B.

804 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
808 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

806 andrea Andrea B.
Sulcorebutia heinzii (Sulcorebutia sp. HS 151) (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Andrea B.
2484 andrea Andrea B.
Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Andrea B.

812 cactus-art Cactus Art
Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Cactus Art
5337 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Sulcorebutia sp. HS151 Totora-Omereque (Sulcorebutia heinzii) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

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