Accepted Scientific Name: Lithops pseudotruncatella
Gard. Chron. Ser. 3., 71: 65. 1922
Lithops pseudotruncatella C264 (pallid Form) 60 km SSW of Windhoek, Namibia Photo by: Agócs György
Origin and Habitat: Lithops pseudotruncatellaSN|13128]]SN|13128]] comes from Namibia, It is found in an wide around Windhoek with a radius of about 40 km, but with a large extension projecting some 120 km beyond Steinhausen to the NE.
Habitat: Habitat: It is found growing among quartzite and mica schist stones.
See all synonyms of Lithops pseudotruncatella
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops pseudotruncatella (A.Berger) N.E.Br.Gard. Chron. Ser. 3., 71: 65. 1922Synonymy: 18
- Lithops pseudotruncatella (A.Berger) N.E.Br.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. alpina (Dinter) Boom
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. alta Tischer
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C067 20 km ENE of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C068 (syn. alpina) 35 km SSE of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C070 30 km S of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C099 (syn. mundtii) 150 km NE of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C100 (syn. mundtii) 135 km NE of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C263 20 km W of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C264 (pallid Form) 60 km SSW of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C315 20 km ENE of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C381 (syn. alpina) TL: 30 km S of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C413 100 km W of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. mundtii (Tischer) H.Jacobsen
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. archerae (de Boer) D.T.ColeLithops Flowering Stones 217 (1988)Synonymy: 5
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica (Nel) D.T.ColeLithops Flowering Stones 218 (1988)Synonymy: 15
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops pseudotruncatella var. elisabethiae (Dinter) de Boer & BoomSucculenta (Netherlands) 1961(6) 66-67, 69 [Jun. 1961] (non "elizabethae", "elisabethae".)Synonymy: 3
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. groendrayensis (H.Jacobsen) D.T.ColeLithops Flowering Stones 222 (1988)Synonymy: 6
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops pseudotruncatella var. riehmerae D.T.ColeMadoqua 1: 45, 38. 1987 ; cf. Repert. Pl. Succ. (I.O.S.), 38: 5 (1987 publ. 1989) Locality not stated.Synonymy: 4
Accepted name in llifle Database:Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. volkii (Schwantes ex de Boer & Boom) D.T.ColeLithops Flowering Stones 233 (1988)Synonymy: 4
Description: Lithops pseudotruncatella is a very free- growing species, forming clumps. It was one of first plant of this genus discovered and for a long time one of the first representative in European collections. Generally this Lithops is characterized by greyish colour with darker ramosely branched marbling on the upper surfaces, but it is also a very variable taxon in which a number of variety and forms has been described. The status of these is uncertain. The body is medium to very large, solitary or variously branched with more of 20 heads. Facial diameters 25-50 X 20-35 mm and up to 4 cm tall.
Flowers: Yellow (occasionally white), medium to very large, up to 50 mm Ø, mostly 25-40 mm Ø.
Desmond Cole field number C264 (pallid form): This population distinguishes for having pale marbled bodies.
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Lithops pseudotruncatella group
- Lithops pseudotruncatella (A.Berger) N.E.Br.: Cole numbers: C067, C070, C263, C315 “alpina”, C068, C381 “mundtii”, C099, C100 “clear form”.
It is a medium to very large sized elliptical plant about 40 X 30 mm wide, the body is flat to slightly convex with a shallow fissure,and lobes conjunct. It branches easily and forms clumps with up to 20 (or more) heads, but usually less. It is somewhat variable in colour, usually opaque, smooth to very slightly rugose, uniform pale grey or beige tinted with variously shaded. Face, margins and shoulders dull grey. Windows and margins usually not clearly distinguishable, In the upper surface there a broken network of irregularly and extensively branched tree-like rubrications that sometimes are reduced to a scattering of short lines, dashes and dots; the ends often finely ramose and tapering off into the outer margins.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. alpina (Dinter) Boom: Lithops pseudotruncatella var. alpina is found in the Rusch Peak (namibia), situated in the middle of the southern boundary of the Lithops pseudotruncatella range, and is one of the few species which has settled at a height of up to 2420 metres.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. archerae (de Boer) D.T.Cole: Cole numbers:C104, C306 This subspecies is easily recognized for its truncate profile and round-elliptic face, the uniform milky grey-green colour is also very characteristic of this plant.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. archerae C104 120 km NW of Maltahöhe, Namibia: grey green, stone-like.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. archerae C306 TL: 120 km NW of Maltahöhe, Namibia: ex Type Locality, greyish green, big.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. archerae cv. Split Pea S.A.Hammer: Green form.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C067 20 km ENE of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C068 (syn. alpina) 35 km SSE of Windhoek, Namibia: tiny bronze heads.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C070 30 km S of Windhoek, Namibia: jagged red lines, dots.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C099 (syn. mundtii) 150 km NE of Windhoek, Namibia: very broad round top.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C100 (syn. mundtii) 135 km NE of Windhoek, Namibia: reddish grey top, red lines.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C263 20 km W of Windhoek, Namibia: flowers in early summer.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C264 (pallid Form) 60 km SSW of Windhoek, Namibia: pale marbles.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C315 20 km ENE of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C381 (syn. alpina) TL: 30 km S of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella C413 100 km W of Windhoek, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica (Nel) D.T.Cole: (Lithops farinosa Dinter.) Cole numbers: C072, C073, C357, C384, “farinosa” C245, “pulmonuncula” C071 [var. pulmuncola (Jacobsen) Jacobsen] This form is distinguishable for the more regularly branched channels and rubrications that forms an almost a honeycomb pattern. The face has usually a reddish colour.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica C071 (syn. pulmonuncula) TL: 50 km WNW of Rehoboth, Namibia: pink veins.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica C072 65 km WSW of Rehoboth, Namibia: has colourful branching lines.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica C073 95 km WSW of Rehoboth, Namibia: orange grey with lines.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica C245 (syn. farinosa) 55 km SSW of Rehoboth, Namibia: pale, unique.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica C357 75 km SW of Rehoboth, Namibia: fine etchings.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. dendritica C384 6 km S of Rehoboth, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. elisabethiae (Dinter) de Boer & Boom: Cole numbers: C187 It is quite similar to the standard variety but with a peculiar bluish-pink colour.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. elisabethiae C187 TL: 55 km ESE of Otjiwarongo, Namibia (Dinter) de Boer & Boom: large pink bodies.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. groendrayensis (H.Jacobsen) D.T.Cole: Cole numbers: C239, C244 “Witkop form”, C246. Almost uniform pale grey-white in colour with minutely pin-pricked or wrinkled top surface.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. groendrayensis C239 45 km SSE of Rehoboth, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. groendrayensis C244 TL: 50 km S of Rehoboth, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. groendrayensis C246 (Witkop Form) 55 km S of Rehoboth, Namibia
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. mundtii (Tischer) H.Jacobsen
- Lithops pseudotruncatella f. pulmuncola Dinter in H.Jacobsen
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. riehmerae D.T.Cole: “edithiae” (var. edithae) (N.E.Brown) De Boer) Cole numbers: C097 Not very different from the standard variety, it differs mainly in its generally smaller size. The head colour is pale grey colour with less extensive markings.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella var. riehmerae C097 (syn. edithiae) TL: 50 km SE of Windhoek, Namibia: milky grey.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. volkii (Schwantes ex de Boer & Boom) D.T.Cole: Cole numbers: C069 The face of this form is pale bluish-white with very few rubrications and few or no dusky dots.
- Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. volkii C069 TL: 45 km S of Windhoek, Namibia: nearly white, stonelike.
Bibliography: Major refences and further lectures
1) Heidrun E. K. Hartmann “Aizoaceae F – Z” Springer 2002
2) Achim Hecktheuer “Mesembs, mehr als nur Lithops” Books on Demand GmbH Norderstedt. 2008
3) Desmond T. Cole & Naureen A. Cole, Uwe Beyer, Yves Delange “Les Lithops” SUCCULENTES Spécial 2008 AIAPS (now Terra seca). 2008
4) Desmond T. Cole & Naureen A. Cole “LITHOPS Flowering Stones” Cactus & Co. Libri. 2005
5) Yasuhiko Shimada “The Genus Lithops” Dobun Shoin. 2001
6) Rudolf Heine “Lithops - Lebende Steine” Neumann Verlag. 1986
7) Bernd Schlösser “Lithops – Lebende Steine” Praktische Anleitung für die Zimmerkultur. BussinessPoint MEDIA. 2000
8) Steven A. Hammer “Lithops – Treasures of the veld” British Cactus and Succulent Society. 1999
9) Desmond T. Cole “Lithops – Flowering Stones” Acorn Books 1988
10) Rudolf Heine “Lithops – lebende Steine” Neumann Verlag. 1986
11) David L. Sprechman “Lithops” Associated University Presses, Inc. 1970
12) Gert Cornelius Nel “Lithops” Hortors Limited, South Africa 1946
13) Edgar Lamb "The illustrated reference on cacti and other succulents" Blandford Press. 1978
14) Christopher Brickell, Royal Horticultural Society "RHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants: K-Z., Volume 2" Kindersley, 2008
15) G. C . Nel “Lithops: Plantae succulantae, rarissimae, in terra obscuratae, e famailia Aizoaceae, ex Africa australi” Hortors Limited, Cape Town, South Africa 1946
16) Heidrun E. K. Hartmann "Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Aizoaceae F-Z" Springer, 2002
17) Steven A. Hammer "Lithops: Joyaux du veld" Editions Quae, 25/nov/2010
Lithops pseudotruncatella C264 (pallid Form) 60 km SSW of Windhoek, Namibia Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli Lithops pseudotruncatella C264 (pallid Form) 60 km SSW of Windhoek, Namibia Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli Cultivation and Propagation: In the winter season the plant doesn’t need watering, but they will still be growing, the new bodies will be increasing in size as the old outer leaves begin to shrivel. In fact the plant in this time extracts water and nutrient stored in the outer succulent leaves, allowing them to dehydrate relocating the water to the rest of the plant and to the new leaves that form during this period until the old leaves are reduced to nothing more than "thin papery shells".