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Lobivia wegheiana Backeb.
Cactus (Sint-Amandsberg) [Bull. Cacteophiles Belg.] 3, no. 5: 8, fig. 1933; cf. Backeb. Blatter Kakteenforsch.1934, Pt. 3, [p. 8].

= Lobivia pentlandii f. wegheiana (Backeb.) J.Ullmann
Kaktusy (Brno) 28(2): 33. 1992

Accepted Scientific Name: Echinopsis pentlandii (Hook.) Salm-Dyck ex A.Dietr.
Allg. Gartenzeitung (Otto & Dietrich) 14: 250. 1846 Otto & A.Dietr.


See all synonyms of Echinopsis pentlandii
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Echinopsis pentlandii (Hook.) Salm-Dyck ex A.Dietr.
Allg. Gartenzeitung (Otto & Dietrich) 14: 250. 1846
Synonymy: 50 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Echinopsis pentlandii f. cristata hort.
Synonymy: 2 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Echinopsis pentlandii var. longispina Rümpler in C.F.Först.
Handb. Cacteenk. (ed. 2 - Rümpler) ed. 2: 612. 1886
Synonymy: 2 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Echinopsis pentlandii f. variegata hort.

Cultivars (1):

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