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Cotyledon herrei W.F.Barker
S. African Gard. 21: 247. 1931

= Adromischus marianae f. herrei (W.F.Barker) Pilbeam
Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 36(2): 34 (1981)

Accepted Scientific Name: Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus Uitewaal

Adromischus herrei
Adromischus herrei
This plant is extraordinary in appearance and among the most notable species of the genus and well worth cultivating. It forms a cluster of distinctive leaves that are rough and warty on the surface.


See all synonyms of Adromischus marianae

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Adromischus marianae group

  • Adromischus geyeri Hutchison: has terete, chalky, mottled reddish-brown, grey-green leaves with a rounded tip. The horny margin is often not visible at the tip. Distribution: South Namibia. Diamond Area No.1.
  • Adromischus marianae (Marloth) A.Berger: (var. marianiae) has grey to reddish darker markings along the leaves. It has the longest margin along the top edge of each leaf of any other variety. Distribution: Cederberg around Clanwilliam.
  • Adromischus marianae f. alveolatus (Hutchison) Pilbeam: similar to f. herrei but with leaves which are shorter less acute, generally more robust, and with a very rough surface. Distribution: north of Concordia.
  • Adromischus marianae var. antidorcatum (Poelln.) Pilbeam: has a a rough leaf surface similar to A. marianiae "immaculatus". Includes forms with short leaves. it is very variable. Distribution: Namaqualand, West. & South Bushmanland.
  • Adromischus marianiae var. hallii, Lorelei, NamibiaAdromischus marianae var. hallii (Hutchison) Toelken: has the broadest, thickest leaves within the A. marianiae complex. Leaves are chalky, grey-green but red spotted forms have been found. Distribution: South Namibia, North & West Bushmanland.
  • Adromischus herreiAdromischus marianae f. herrei (W.F.Barker) Pilbeam: has the roughest leaves and can resemble dried raisins! It is a small plant, characterised by petiolate leaves, thin stems and thin inflorescences. Distribution: Namaqualand coastal mountains.
  • Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus Uitewaal: has cylindrical leaves, but with great variation in marking and texture. It usually has slighly rough leaves. Distribution: South Namaqualand, Knersvlakte.
  • Adromischus marianae var. kubusensis (Uitewaal) Toelken: Very variable in leaf shape: the plain, grey-green leaves vary from long-cylindrical to short-fat. Distribution: Richtersveld mountains.
  • Adromischus marianae cv. Little Spheroid: has superb and very peculiar round leaves. Distribution: Namaqualand, Northern Cape, South Africa.

6491 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Cotyledon herrei (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
22483 flavio Flavio Agrosi
Cotyledon herrei (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Flavio Agrosi

19419 giuseppe2 Giuseppe Distefano
Cotyledon herrei (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Giuseppe Distefano
24708 xero Xero Sicyos
Cotyledon herrei (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Xero Sicyos

128 cactus-art Cactus Art
Cotyledon herrei (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Cactus Art
126 cactus-art Cactus Art
Cotyledon herrei (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Cactus Art

125 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
It is worth collecting many forms. (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
22111 giuseppe2 Giuseppe Distefano
Cotyledon herrei (Adromischus marianae f. herrei) Photo by: Giuseppe Distefano

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by Cactus Art
This species is highly variable in leaf texture colour.
by Cactus Art
by Giuseppe Distefano

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