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Accepted Scientific Name: Haworthia mucronata Haw.
Suppl. Pl. Succ. 50. 1819 [May 1819] Haw.
- Haworthia unicolor Poelln.
See all synonyms of Haworthia mucronata
Accepted name in llifle Database:Haworthia mucronata Haw.
Suppl. Pl. Succ. 50. 1819 [May 1819]
Synonymy: 31
- Haworthia mucronata Haw.
- Aloe mucronata (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.
- Haworthia altilinea var. brevisetata Poelln.
- Haworthia aristata var. helmiae (Poelln.) Pilbeam
- Haworthia aristata subs. helmiae (Poelln.) Halda
- Haworthia helmiae Poelln.
- Haworthia unicolor var. helmiae (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia mclarenii Poelln.
- Haworthia chloracantha var. mclarenii (Poelln.) Halda
- Haworthia mucronata f. acuminata Poelln.
- Haworthia altilinea f. acuminata Poelln.
- Haworthia mucronata var. altilinea (Haw.) Halda
- Aloe altilinea (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.
- Catevala altilinea (Haw.) Kuntze
- Haworthia altilinea Haw.
- Haworthia mucronata var. bicarinata (W.Triebner) Poelln.
- Haworthia altilinea var. bicarinata W.Triebner
- Haworthia mucronata var. limpida (Haw.) Poelln.
- Aloe limpida (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.
- Haworthia altilinea var. limpida (Haw.) Poelln.
- Haworthia limpida Haw.
- Haworthia mucronata f. minor (W.Triebner) Poelln.
- Haworthia altilinea f. minor W.Triebner
- Haworthia mucronata var. polyphylla (Baker) Poelln.
- Catevala polyphylla (Baker) Kuntze
- Haworthia altilinea var. polyphylla (Baker) Poelln.
- Haworthia polyphylla Baker
- Haworthia mucronata var. setulifera (W.Triebner) Poelln.
- Haworthia altilinea var. setulifera W.Triebner
- Haworthia reticulata var. integra (Poelln.) Halda
- Haworthia unicolor Poelln.
Haworthia mucronata var. bijliana (Poelln.) ined.
Synonymy: 10
- Haworthia mucronata var. bijliana (Poelln.) ined.
- Haworthia bijliana Poelln.
- Haworthia setata var. bijliana (Poelln.) Poelln.
- Haworthia bijliana var. joubertii Poelln.
- Haworthia fergusoniae Poelln.
- Haworthia mucronata var. inconfluens (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia altilinea f. inconfluens Poelln.
- Haworthia habdomadis var. inconfluens (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia inconfluens (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia mucronata f. inconfluens (Poelln.) Poelln.
Haworthia mucronata var. calitzdorpensis Breuer
Avonia 21(3): 50-51; fig. (15 Nov. 2003)
Synonymy: 2
- Haworthia mucronata var. calitzdorpensis Breuer
- Haworthia calitzdorpensis (Breuer) M.Hayashi
Haworthia mucronata var. habdomadis (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
Haworthia Revisited 120 (1999)
Synonymy: 3
- Haworthia mucronata var. habdomadis (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia habdomadis Poelln.
- Haworthia inconfluens var. habdomadis (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
Haworthia mucronata var. morrisiae (Poelln.) Poelln.
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 49: 29 1940.
Synonymy: 7
- Haworthia mucronata var. morrisiae (Poelln.) Poelln.
- Haworthia altilinea var. morrisiae Poelln.
- Haworthia habdomadis var. morrisiae (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia inconfluens var. morrisiae (Poelln.) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia mucronata f. subglauca (Poelln.) Poelln.
- Haworthia altilinea f. subglauca Poelln.
- Haworthia sakaii M.Hayashi
Haworthia mucronata var. rooibergensis Esterhuizen & Battista
Haworthiad 13(1): 5 (-7; figs. 1-3). 1999
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Haworthia mucronata var. rycroftiana (M.B.Bayer) M.B.Bayer
Haworthia Revisited 124 1999.
Synonymy: 2
- Haworthia mucronata var. rycroftiana (M.B.Bayer) M.B.Bayer
- Haworthia rycroftiana M.B.Bayer
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