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Agave potatorum Zucc.
Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 16(2): 675 1833

(8 Photos)
  • Agave potatorum (Locality: Tlayaco)
    by valentino
  • Agave potatorum
    by cactus-art
  • Agave potatorum ((Locality: Nativitas)
    by cactus-art
  • Agave potatorum (Locality: Cameron)
    by cactus-art
  • Agave potatorum (Locality: Cameron)
    by cactus-art
  • Agave potatorum (Locality: Tlayaco)
    by cactus-art
  • Agave potatorum ''Compact''  ( Cultivated form )
    by cactus-art
  • Plant with sinuous leaf margins and with teeth atop of projecting bumps are often called by the old name of A. verschaffeltii.
    by cactus-art