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Neowashingtonia filifera Sudw.
Forest Trees Pacific Slope (U. S. Dept. Agric. Forest. Serv. 1908) 199.

(9 Photos)
  • by star
  • Flowers at Camp Pecusa Olowalu, Maui, Hawaii (USA). July 07, 2009.
    by star
  • Habit at Olowalu Pier, Maui, Hawaii (USA). December 09, 2003.
    by star
  • Habit after fire at Rogers Spring Northshore Rd Lake Mead, Nevada. December 24, 2007.
    by star
  • Habit after fire at Rogers Spring Northshore Rd Lake Mead, Nevada. December 24, 2007.
    by star
  • Flowers at Camp Pecusa Olowalu, Maui, Hawaii (USA). July 07, 2009.
    by star
  • Flowering habit at Camp Pecusa Olowalu, Maui, Hawaii (USA). July 07, 2009.
    by star
  • Flowering habit at Camp Pecusa Olowalu, Maui, Hawaii (USA). July 07, 2009.
    by star
  • Habit at Olowalu Pier, Maui, Hawaii (USA). December 09, 2003.
    by star