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Stenocereus peruvianus
Darwiniana 24: 446. 1982 [Jul 1982] nom. superfl. Remarks: Kiesling treated Cereus peruvianus Mill. as not based on Cactus peruvianus L. and cited Miller's species as the "basionym" of his Stenocereus peruvianus. [Contrary to Kiesling's belief, Cereus peruvianus is based on Cactus peruvianus.] Kiesling referred to, among others, Cereus hystrix Salm-Dyck as a synonym.
Darwiniana 24: 446. 1982 [Jul 1982] nom. superfl. Remarks: Kiesling treated Cereus peruvianus Mill. as not based on Cactus peruvianus L. and cited Miller's species as the "basionym" of his Stenocereus peruvianus. [Contrary to Kiesling's belief, Cereus peruvianus is based on Cactus peruvianus.] Kiesling referred to, among others, Cereus hystrix Salm-Dyck as a synonym.
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