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Oreocereus leucotrichus (Phil.) Wagenkn.
Anales Acad. Chilena Ci. Nat. no. 20: 102. 1956

(6 Photos)
  • by valentino
  • by valentino
  • Arequipa leucotricha KK 535 (Collector: Karel Kníže) Tarapaca, Vulcan Tacora, Chile Altitude: 3800-4200m ( 4500m in 1977 list)
    by valentino
  • by carolina
  • Oreocereus leucotrichus (in the centre) among tall columnar Echinopsis atacamensis.
    by carolina
  • Oreocereus leucotrichus, between Chiuchiu and Caspana, II Region Antofagasta, Atacama desert, Chile. 15 december 1998
    by RapCactus