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Pediocactus cloverae subs. brackii (K.D.Heil & J.M.Porter) Halda
Acta Mus. Richnov., Sect. Nat. 5 (1): 15: 1998

= Sclerocactus cloverae subs. brackii K.D.Heil & J.M.Porter
Haseltonia 2: 33-34, f. 5 33 1994.

Accepted Scientific Name: Sclerocactus cloveriae K.D.Heil & J.M.Porter
Haseltonia 2: 31-32. 1994


See all synonyms of Sclerocactus cloveriae
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Sclerocactus cloveriae K.D.Heil & J.M.Porter
Haseltonia 2: 31-32. 1994
Synonymy: 7

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Sclerocactus parviflorus group

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