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Copiapoa cinerea subs. columna-alba (F.Ritter) D.R.Hunt
Cactaceae Syst. Init. 13: 13. 2002 [Apr 2002]

Accepted Scientific Name: Copiapoa cinerea (Phil.) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 86. 1922 [12 Oct 1922] Britton & Rose

Copiapoa cinerea subs. columna-alba Photo by: Raimondo Paladini
Chile Jannuary 2018.


See all synonyms of Copiapoa cinerea
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Copiapoa cinerea (Phil.) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 86. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]
Synonymy: 12 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Copiapoa cinerea var. longispina f. alba hort.

Accepted name in llifle Database:
Copiapoa cinerea var. minicarpa Kníže


Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Copiapoa cinerea group

  • Copiapoa cinerea (Phil.) Britton & Rose: Produces chalky/white stems covered with wool at the apex, which contrasts well with the sparse, jet-black spines. It is a solitary, or slowly offsetting, globular to columnar cactus.
  • Copiapoa cinerea var. albispina F.Ritter: This form has white spines instead of black.
  • Copiapoa cinerea subs. columna-alba (F.Ritter) D.R.Hunt: Usually solitary, forms white columns. All the plant in habitats lean markedly northward toward the sun following the direction of predominant wind, leading to the illusion that the entire landscape is tilted.
  • Copiapoa cinerea var. longispina f. alba hort.: This is a rare form with long white (at least when young) spines.
  • Copiapoa cinerea var. minicarpa Kníže: has smallish fruits (?). Distribution: Taltal, Chile.
  • Copiapoa cinerea Serra Vetata: Has distinctive tuberculated stem. Distribution: Serra Vetata (Taltal).
  • Copiapoa melanohystrix F.Ritter: has longer stout black spines and blackish felted areoles that give the plant a very intriguing dark overall. Distribution: Esmeralda.

26253 carolina Carolina González
- Blooming habit at Antofagasta, Chile. Photo by: Carolina González
30230 RapCactus Raimondo Paladini
Copiapoa columna-alba. Chile Jannuary 2018. Photo by: Raimondo Paladini

26254 carolina Carolina González
Copiapoa columna-alba (areoles in habitat) Photo by: Carolina González
11659 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Copiapoa columna-alba (areoles in cultivation) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

30256 RapCactus Raimondo Paladini
Copiapoa cinerea subs. columna-alba Photo by: Raimondo Paladini
30259 RapCactus Raimondo Paladini
Copiapoa columna-alba. Habitat, Chile, Jannuary 2018. Photo by: Raimondo Paladini

3838 cactus-art Cactus Art
Copiapoa cinerea subs. columna-alba Photo by: Cactus Art
30229 RapCactus Raimondo Paladini
Copiapoa cinerea subs. columna-alba Photo by: Raimondo Paladini

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by Valentino Vallicelli

by Cactus Art
Copiapoa columna-alba, buds and seeds.
by Raimondo Paladini

by Valentino Vallicelli

by Valentino Vallicelli
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