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Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa


Accepted Scientific Name: Lithops verruculosa
Ann. Univ. Stellenbosch, Reeks A, Wis.- Naturk xxi. Sect. A, No. 1, 9 (1943); cf. Nel, Lithops, 161,178 [1947].

Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Gennaro Re


See all synonyms of Lithops verruculosa

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Living Stone, Stone Plant
ITALIAN (Italiano): Pianta Sasso

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Lithops verruculosa group

17117 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
24377 agocs Agócs György
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Agócs György

17118 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
17119 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

17563 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
17120 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

19684 agrawal K.k. Agrawal
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: K.k. Agrawal
30862 gennaro Gennaro Re
Lithops verruculosa C120 30 km N of Vanwyksvlei, South Africa Photo by: Gennaro Re

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