Accepted Scientific Name: Rebutia cardenasiana
Lazaroa 17: 76 1996

Sulcorebutia langeri G245/5 km 10, Valle Grande to Mataral, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Photo by: Agócs György
Origin and Habitat: km 10, Valle Grande to Mataral, Santa Cruz, Bolivia .
See all synonyms of Rebutia cardenasiana
Accepted name in llifle Database:Rebutia cardenasiana (R.Vásquez) G.NavarroLazaroa 17: 76 1996Synonymy: 6
Description: Sulcorebutia langeriSN|31364]]SN|31364]] G245/5 (collected at km 10, Valle Grande to Mataral, Santa Cruz, Bolivia by Willi Gertel) is a local or morphological form of Sulcorebutia langeriSN|31364]]SN|31364]] (Rebutia cardenasianaSN|31362]]SN|31362]]) with nice white flowers instead of yellow. Apart for flower colour all the other characteristics of Sulcorebutia langeriSN|31364]]SN|31364]] G245/5, appear to fall within the natural variation of Rebutia cardenasiana and it should be synonymized with the latter, but it has a value for a collector because they identify plants with particular characters.
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Rebutia cardenasiana group
Rebutia cardenasiana (R.Vásquez) G.Navarro: has tiny globular stems with short pectinate white, yellowish or brownish spines. Flowers are yellow. Distribution: Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Sulcorebutia langeri K.Augustin & Hentzschel: has pectinate white spines covering the black-green stems and produces sunny yellow flowers. North of Vallegrande, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Sulcorebutia langeri G245/5 km 10, Valle Grande to Mataral, Santa Cruz, Bolivia: has pure white spines and nice white flowers instead of yellow. Distribution: km 10, Valle Grande to Mataral, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Sulcorebutia langeri G245/5 km 10, Valle Grande to Mataral, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Photo by: Agócs György
Sulcorebutia langeri G245/5 km 10, Valle Grande to Mataral, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Photo by: Agócs GyörgyCultivation and Propagation: This species loves a very permeable, coarse mineral soil as well as to be strictly kept dry throughout the winter quiescent period since it is very sensitive to any moisture excesses, To prevent rottenness it is also advisable to surround its root neck by very rough sand or grit, this help a fast water drainage and an appropriate air circulation. Plants are quite frost hardy -5 (-10)° C.
Watering Needs: Water moderately in the growing season, keep dry during the winter rest
Frost Tolerance: Overwinter in a cool place (at 0/10°C) this is important for the flowers as well as for plants health. Without this cool winter period they normally wont get any buds.
Sun Exposure: Needs a full sun exposure (light shadow my be useful in the hottest summer days)
Propagation: Seed, cutting, grafting.